We listen, assess, and help you achieve your goals by developing customized care plans and delivering high quality care management and transitional support.
As dedicated partners from the onset, we commit to ongoing guidance and engagement as needs and life circumstances change.
We’re committed to helping more than 10,000 people continue to live at home rather than be admitted to a nursing home or other institutional setting. We guide you and your family with helpful solutions that help you live your best life at home. Upon approval by the State Department of Social Services, a CCC team of CCC care management professionals become your committed team.
To Apply Now:Connecticut Home Care For Elders or call DSS at 1-800-445-5394
More Information and to Apply:
CCC partners with the State of Connecticut to offer qualified residents access to Community First Choice, an optional State Plan service which allows eligible individuals to access Personal Care Assistance (PCA) and other services and supports through self-direction.
To Apply Now:
https://www.ctmfp.com/ or DSS at 1-800-445-5394
For Information and to apply:
CCC partners with the State of Connecticut to offer qualified residents access to The Personal Care Assistance Medicaid Waiver Program which allows individuals with a physical disability that require hands-on help with at least two daily living activities—bathing, dressing, eating, transferring or toileting— to receive a personal care assistant. Individuals receiving a PCA through a Medicaid Waiver or through Community First Choice need to meet other eligibility criteria. If the PCA is provided by an agency and not covered by Medicaid, that agency would determine eligibility.
For Eligibility Information:
If you’re Medicaid-eligible, live in Connecticut in a nursing home or other long-term care facility you can choose to live in your own home instead. Returning to the community means leaving a long-term care facility. You would be going home—if that’s an option—or getting a new place to live.
For Eligibility Information:
If you’re Medicaid-eligible and live in Connecticut with an acquired brain injury and currently receive or would otherwise require services in an institutional setting, we provide a person-centered plan of care outlining an array of non-medical, home and community-based services.
For Eligibility Information: