We have launched this year’s annual appeal Uplifting Lives and Inspiring Communities, a chance for you to give any amount to help people live their best lives at home in their own communities and still receive the care they need. As we continue to evolve and help people thrive, we do so in partnership with you—our trusted new friend or long-time dedicated supporter.
Your donations fuel our mission to identify choices and provide services to help people of all ages, abilities, ethnicities, and incomes to live at home. A donation to Connecticut Community Care’s Best Life Annual Campaign helps people live their best lives at home with meaningful connections to support and services in their communities.
Organizations endure thanks to the vision and planning of so many. Making a planned gift to Connecticut Community Care will ensure that your support and commitment lives on for years to come. Not only can this type of gift be economically advantageous for your family, but it also preserves your legacy as a supporter of Connecticut Community Care. Below are some examples of planned gifts.
A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Connecticut Community Care. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.
Bequests can be made in the form of cash, securities, art, or other property.
A charitable remainder unitrust is an irrevocable trust that pays a fixed percentage of the value of its holdings each year to a beneficiary. Assets in such trusts can be distributed to charities named in the trust.
A charitable lead unitrust is an irrevocable trust in which the assets are transferred to a trust set up to pay a fixed percentage of its assets to the charity named in the trust.
Gifts of life insurance or other retirement plan assets can also be bequeathed to a charity.
To be sure strategies are beneficial for you may wish to consult with your financial adviser, tax or estate professional. For more information or to discuss making a gift to Connecticut Community Care, please contact Diane Edwards, Director, Development, at diane.edwards@ctcommunitycare.org or call 860-314-2225.