06 Jul Connecticut Age Well Collaborative in Our Communities
The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative, a cross-sector initiative to foster communities where we all thrive as we grow up and grow older, announces recipients of its first-ever Wellspring Awards. Four recipients were selected for fostering aging, dementia and disability inclusivity in Connecticut, creating long-term, systemic community impact going beyond the provision of individual services and supports:
- Age-Friendly Glastonbury: A community-wide effort to address the diverse and evolving needs of community members of all ages, especially in relation to infrastructure, outdoor spaces, and other domains of livability.
- Thrive 55+ Active Living Center, Groton: For its work toward adopting a new branding identity and for its inclusion efforts for individuals with dementia or socialization issues.
- Dementia-Friendly Southington: A comprehensive effort to support people experiencing cognitive change, especially through training of municipal staff and community partners.
- Central Connecticut State University: The first Connecticut university to join the Age-Friendly University Global Network, promoting lifelong learning, intergenerational connection and disrupting ageism.
“As we all live longer and healthier lives, it’s more important than ever before to celebrate policies, projects and initiatives that plan intentionally with an aging, dementia and disability lens,” said June Renzulli, Chair of the Connecticut Age Well Collaborative’s Steering Committee and a retired nonprofit and philanthropy leader. ” We are thrilled to share the inspiring work of our Wellspring Award recipients.”
“Fostering more inclusive places doesn’t just help Connecticut residents who are already aging, living with dementia or living with a disability. It helps all of us, both for our future selves, and right now, with more just, equitable communities for everyone,” said Alyssa Norwood, Director of the Connecticut Age Well Collaborative. “This year’s Wellspring Award recipients are incredible thought leaders.”
Delegated by the Connecticut legislative Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity, the Connecticut Age Well Collaborative leads the state’s livable communities initiative, per Section 17b-420a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Livable communities are inclusive, vibrant, intergenerational places where we all can thrive across the lifespan. The Collaborative’s framework, developed for Connecticut from international efforts led by the World Health Organization, includes ten key areas, including housing, transportation, economic opportunity, and equity.
The Wellspring Awards are framed around the idea that Connecticut is a wellspring of innovation and inspiration. In addition to using a multi-sector approach, recipients were selected on the basis of demonstrating ongoing, meaningful and relevant community impact, as well as integrating the voices of individuals with lived experience into their work.
The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative, an initiative of Connecticut Community Care, is strongly supported by the Point32Health Foundation, the Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services and a growing number of funders and collective impact partners.
Check out ctagewellcollaborative.org to learn more.